Thigh lift in Lausanne

Useful information
Who is it for?The thigh lift is intended for people who have excess skin (more than fat) on their thighs |
Type of hospitalizationOutpatient or 1-2 days of hospitalization depending on the case |
Duration of the procedure1h30 to 2h30 according to the case |
Type of anesthesiaGeneral |
Duration of resultsPermanent. However, the skin may sag again, due to significant weight loss or natural aging. |
Duration of social eviction4 to 6 weeks |
PriceFrom CHF 9800 |
What is a thigh lift?
A thigh lift is a surgical procedure that corrects the aesthetics of the thighs as well as the discomfort caused by excess slack skin. The goal is to restore a normal size to the thighs in relation to your body type so that you can regain a harmonious body shape.
Indications for cosmetic surgery of the thighs
If you have excess skin on the inner thighs and it bothers you on a daily basis, a thigh liftmay be the solution to correct this. Symptoms related to this excess skin are usually discomfort, when walking, irritation of the inner thighs, difficulty getting dressed, or aesthetics of the legs (disharmony of the body).
During your appointment, your doctor will determine the solution that best suits your needs.
A healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet and quitting smoking at least one month before the procedure will contribute to a smooth procedure and a good recovery.
Thigh lift: the procedure
A general anesthetic is necessary. The surgical incisions will be made on the inner side of the thighs so that the scar is as discreet as possible. The doctor then proceeds to the removal of the excess skin, and to the suction of the fat if necessary. Drains will then be placed to facilitate the evacuation of liquids after the operation. Finally, a bandage is applied.
We have achieved equivalent or better results in some cases by combining liposuction with the new Renuvion technology. This is a minimally invasive treatment that has proven itself. At your appointment, your doctor will determine the solution that best suits your needs.
Post-operative period
The procedure requires a hospital stay of about 3 days. Bruises will surely occur and thighs will be swollen, you may also feel some tension. These discomforts will be gone a few weeks later.
Drains will be removed 2 to 3 days after the procedure. You will have to avoid sports and physical activities for a few weeks.Sitting will be uncomfortable at first and direct exposure to the sun should be avoided for 12 months. You can return to work 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure.
The doctor will give you all the instructions you need to follow for the hygiene of the scar and for a good healing. These instructions must be followed rigorously.
You will most likely have to wear a compression girdle for the first 4 to 6 weeks.
Result is immediate but it is only after 3 months that the swelling will be gone and you will see the final result.
Results are definitive. However, the skin may sag again, due to significant weight loss or natural aging.
Risks of thigh lift surgery in Lausanne
Complications from a thigh lift are rare, and are more related to the healing process. It is important to follow the doctor's instructions, especially concerning the precautions to be taken around the scar.
During your appointment, the doctor will explain all the possible risks and complications related to this procedure. It is only after talking with the doctor that you will have all the elements to make your decision.

Avenue Jomini 8
1004 Lausanne
+41 (0)21 653 29 21
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