Medical profiloplasty in Lausanne

Useful information
Who is it for?Remodeling of the facial profile (forehead, nose, mouth, chin) |
Type of hospitalizationNone |
Duration of the procedure15 to 30 minutes |
Type of anesthesiaLocal |
Duration of results12 to 24 months |
Duration of social evictionNone |
PriceFrom CHF 590 |
What is medical profiloplasty?
Medical profiloplasty includes several techniques that act on the facial profile's different components, including medical rhinoplasty and mentoplasty or medical genioplasty.
It is an alternative to nose and chin surgery that uses hyaluronic acid injections to act on the profile of the face as a whole (forehead, nose, mouth, chin).
The objective of this aesthetic medicine technique is to restore harmonious and balanced facial proportions in order to improve the profile.
Who is concerned by a medical profiloplasty?
Medical profiloplasty concerns people who feel that their profile is unbalanced and their face is not harmonious.
It allows us to act at different levels and in particular to :
- Correct a hollow or flat forehead
- Soften a bulging forehead
- Soften or create a bony bump at the eyebrow arch
- Soften or accentuate the nasofrontal angle between the forehead and the nose
- Correct a bump or a hollow on the nose
- Reduce a drooping nose tip
- Soften or accentuate the naso-labial angle, between the nose and the white lip
- Improve the projection of the lips
- Increase the volume of the lips
- (Re)create the hollow of the philtrum (dimple on the white lip)
- Project forward a receding chin
- Reduce a double chin (if it is caused by a retrograde chin)
How does the session take place?
During the first consultation, Dr. Pietramaggiori or Dr. Scherer will proceed with a precise and complete analysis of the face in order to determine a treatment plan in accordance with your requests and your feelings.
Different types of hyaluronic acid can be injected depending on the area to fill in hollows, to provide projections or create volume.
The hyaluronic acid syringe generally contains a local anesthetic, so the injections are not painful.
The injections are performed with respect to the face's morphology and according to the proportions of each anatomical zone treated in order to obtain a natural and customized result.
What are the consequences of a medical profiloplasty?
Some transient side effects may occur. They are most often small bruises, slight swelling and redness at the injection sites.
A herpes labialis is also possible. If you have a history of this, you will be prescribed an antibiotic to take before the injection session in order to limit this risk.
There is no need for social eviction, you can resume your activities immediately.
A few recommendations should be followed during the first few days following the injections, while the injected hyaluronic acid stabilizes. Thus, it is advisable to avoid violent sports, alcohol, aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs, not to wear glasses resting on the nose and to avoid exposure to heat sources such as the sun, the hammam or the sauna.
What results can I expect?
After a medical profiloplasty, the face is harmonious and balanced, both from the front and from the side. You will be able to see the results as soon as the injection session is over, although you will need to wait a few days to really appreciate them, while potential side effects disappear.
As hyaluronic acid is an absorbable product, results are temporary. They last between 12 and 18 months, sometimes up to 2 years. This fluctuates according to the individual and depends on many criteria (lifestyle, age, sex, quantity injected, skin quality, etc.).
You can plan maintenance sessions in order to perpetuate the results of the treatment.

Avenue Jomini 8
1004 Lausanne
+41 (0)21 653 29 21
Monday9h-12h 14h-18h
Tuesday9h-12h 14h-18h
Wednesday9h-12h 14h-18h
Thursday9h-12h 14h-18h
Friday9h-12h 14h-18h