Frequently asked questions about breast reduction in Lausanne
What is a “breast reduction”?
It is a cosmetic surgery of the breast performed by a specialized plastic surgeon that aims to reduce the size of your breast in a harmonious way.
Am I a candidate for breast reduction surgery?
If your breast size bothers you (neck pain, feeling of heavy weight in your chest, feeling that your chest is disproportionate to your body shape preventing you from playing sports or choosing the clothes you want and if in general you are embarrassed by the size of your breast) and your weight is stable (at least 6 months) you are an eligible candidate for breast reduction surgery.
At what age is this surgery typically done?
Breast reduction surgery can be performed at any age, even at a very advanced age because in some cases the breast continues to grow over time. Typically, this surgery is performed in the late teens (once the breast is fully developed). If you are planning pregnancies, the Global Medical Institute team recommends that you wait at least 6-12 months after your last pregnancy.
What is the recovery time after breast reduction surgery?
It takes at least 2 weeks to be free of bandages. At Global Medical Institute we follow our patients closely and we do not put any sutures to be removed after the breast reduction surgery, so the post-operative recovery is light and rather pleasant. You can shower 48 hours after surgery because special dressings will allow you to do so.
You can resume work (in general, except for physical work, professional sports) between 7 and 15 days after surgery.
In general, all activities (including sports) can be resumed between 4 and 6 weeks post-op.
Do I need to wear special clothing (bra) after the operation?
At Global Medical Institute, we recommend that you wear a special bra after your breast reduction surgery for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. Our specialized team will help you choose and provide you with the specific bra for you when you wake up from the operation.
What scars are needed to reduce the size of the breast?
Depending on the size and the desired result, our specialized team at Global Medical Institute will explain the necessary scars. In most cases, a scar around the nipple will be necessary to raise the nipple, reduce its size and reduce the skin around it. A vertical scar (from the areola downwards) will allow the reduction of a medium to large size breast. Finally, a scar along the breast fold is indicated to reduce larger breasts.
Each surgery at Global Medical Institute is custom-made to suit your situation and goals. We will explain in detail which scars will be necessary in your case.
Is there a way to reduce the visibility of these scars?
At Global Medical Institute, scars are made according to the rules of the art with the least invasive and most effective techniques. In addition, thanks to our expertise in the field of medical lasers, we offer post-surgical laser sessions to reduce the visibility of scars. In most cases, the scars become very discreet and almost invisible a few months after surgery.
What is the influence of breast surgery on breastfeeding?
Normally, breast reduction surgery is performed after pregnancies and breastfeeding.
However, in some cases, the surgery can be done before. In these cases, the specialized surgeon at Global Medical Institute will use a technique that allows you to maintain the highest chance of breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery.
Does breast reduction surgery affect nipple sensitivity?
In cases of very large breasts, the sensitivity of the nipple is already diminished because the nerves are under continuous tension. In these cases, breast reduction surgery can even increase and improve nipple sensitivity. However, in some other cases, the sensitivity after surgery is decreased and it takes several months to regain it.
What are the risks of breast reduction surgery?
All surgeries have risks. The team at Global Medical Institute will work with you throughout the recovery process to ensure that you achieve your desired results with complete peace of mind.
The main risks of breast reduction surgery are: hematoma formation, scars that take longer to heal, infections, and asymmetry. In some (rather rare) cases a second, smaller surgery may be necessary to treat these complications.
How long do the results of breast reduction surgery last?
At Global Medical Institute, the results are permanent and last a lifetime.
What is the average length of a breast reduction surgery?
Our specialized team at Global Medical Institute performs breast reduction surgery in an average of 2.5 hours.
Is there a relationship (or risk) between breast reduction and breast cancer?
Once the decision is made to perform breast reduction surgery, a preoperative workup (mammogram or ultrasound) will be performed. If cysts or suspicious lesions are found, breast reduction surgery may be combined with excision of these lesions.
Is it possible to be reimbursed by health insurance companies for a breast reduction?
If breast reduction is medically indicated to improve your biological, psychological and social health, your Global Medical Institute team of plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgery specialists will put together a file to request insurance coverage for breast reduction surgery.

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