Treatment of vaginal dryness in Lausanne

Useful information
Who is it for?For all women who suffer from vaginal dryness |
PriceFrom CHF 1500 (3 sessions) |
Duration of the procedure3 to 5 sessions, 10 to 15 minutes each, over 2 months |
Type of anesthesiaNo anesthesia is necessary |
Duration of results6 months to 1 year |
Duration of social eviction4 to 6 weeks |
What is the Sonocare Vaginal Dryness Treatment?
It is an ultrasound stimulation of the vaginal area to restore vaginal hydration, to tone thevagina (to stop a minor incontinence) and/or to revive sensations during sexual relations.
This treatment is safe, effective and painless.
Who is the treatment for?
All women who suffer from vaginal dryness, especially after menopause, slight urinaryincontinence or vaginal laxity or who wish to experience more pleasure during intercourse.
Undesirable effects
No adverse effects. No risks or side effects.
Results of the treatment of vaginal dryness
You will regain hydration a few weeks after treatment and tone to prevent incontinence after 3 to 5 sessions. Results last between 6 months and 1 year.

Avenue Jomini 8
1004 Lausanne
+41 (0)21 653 29 21
Monday9h-12h 14h-18h
Tuesday9h-12h 14h-18h
Wednesday9h-12h 14h-18h
Thursday9h-12h 14h-18h
Friday9h-12h 14h-18h