Neck lift in Lausanne
The surgeon’s opinion
To proceed with a neck lift, the traditional method consists of making an incision around the ears starting from the temples and going up into the hair at the nape of the neck. This effective technique requires a longer period of time off work (2-3 weeks) and more extensive postoperative care.

Useful information
Who is it for?Excess fat localized on the chin and sagging neck |
Type of hospitalizationOutpatient |
Duration of the procedure45 min to 2 hours |
Type of anesthesiaLocal or general |
Duration of resultsPermanent |
Duration of social eviction5 to 7 days |
PriceFrom CHF 15000 |
What is a neck lift?
A neck lift consists of tightening the skin tissues, repositioning the mandibular muscles and possibly removing excess fat in this area. A neck lift consists of correcting the sagging tissuesof the cheeks and jowls, the oval of the face and the neck. This surgical procedure also allows for a considerable reduction in wrinkles. This surgical procedure can reshape the oval of the face and give a rejuvenated appearance.
It is estimated that a 10 to 15-year rejuvenation can be achieved.
Why have a neck lift?
With age, the skin tissuesbecome slack, thus favoring the appearance of jowls, neck cords (phanon). The nasolabial folds, the bitterness fold and the jugal wrinkles become deeper. This leads to a deformation of the oval of the face which gives us an aged appearance.
The origins of neck degradation are variable and can also come from a significant weight gain and/or a poor lifestyle.
A neck lift is recommended for :
- The double chin: a fat area under the chin, perhaps related to overweight, a hormonalproblem or a loss of tone due to aging
- Sagging cheeks and jowls which are the result of a sagging oval of the face due to aging
- The withered neck: this symptom appears in patients who are very exposed to the sun. This has led to vertical and horizontal folds in the neck and cleavage.
- Distended neck: a relaxation of the skin tissues and the mandibular muscles at the level of the neck, linked to the ageing process. This causes a deformation of the oval of the face and gives an aged appearance.
- Fatty neck (turkey neck). This is an accumulation of fat located in three different layers that can overlap.
A neck and face lift is not intended to transform but to restore the face's youthful appearance, a harmonious and natural oval.
The cervico-facial lift can be performed as soon as the signs of aging lead to a loosening of the tissues and a sagging of the oval of the face.
How long does the procedure last?
The duration of the procedure varies according to the patient's goals and needs and the technique used. It can last from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on the technique used.
How does the procedure work?
Once the patient is asleep, the plastic surgeon makes an incision around the ear lobe and can tighten the skin tissue and reposition the mandibular muscles.
What are the scars?
Scars depend on the method used.
According to the traditional method:
Scars are located at the temple, in the hair or just at the hairline depending on the case, infront of the ear, behind the ear or towards the neck. It will take a few weeks for them to disappear.
Is it necessary to plan some time-off?
It is necessary to schedule a social eviction ranging from 1 to 3 weeks depending on the surgical technique used. The pain is bearable.
What are the after-effects of the operation?
Generally, little pain is felt after this operation.
Hematomas (bruises) may occur but disappear within 1 or 2 weeks.
Edemas (swelling) that will fade in the following days.
With the traditional method, a bandage is applied and must be kept for several days around the ears and eventually drains will be necessary to prevent the formation of hematomas.
What are the risks associated with this surgical procedure?
As with any surgical procedure, the cervico-facial lift involves risks that may be related to the anesthesia or the surgical procedure. At Global Plastic Surgery, we do everything possible to ensure risks are as minimal as possible. We therefore take allnecessary precautions.
However, this procedure is subject to the reaction of the skin tissue, which is a living tissue whose reactions can never be completely predicted.
Are the results durable?
Thanks to the neck lift and the meticulous surgical techniques used, you will obtain a natural and lasting result over time.
Thanks to the stimulation of collagen, the result increases with time and this up to 6 months.
Type of hospitalization
A 24-hour hospital stay is normally necessary with a traditional technique to monitor the patient and prevent the formation of hematomas.
Type of anesthesia
For this high-precision surgical procedure, a general or local anesthesia is required.
What happens during the first consultation
Our first meeting takes place at the Global Plastic Surgery clinic in Lausanne. During the first consultation, the plastic surgeon will perform a thorough clinical examination and a diagnostic interview in order to best meet the patient's needs. At Global Plastic Surgery, our surgeons take special care to listen to you. To do so, we take into consideration your personality, your expectations, your skin type, the fatty components, the amount of tissue to be removed, and any family and personal history that may contraindicate the procedure.
This first consultation is a very important phase in the process. We pay particular attention to it.
Procedure and modalities of the intervention
It is strongly recommended that you stop smoking one month before the procedure and one month after.
The classical method
The plastic surgeon makes incisions, then an underskin detachment. The muscular plane is tightened and the skin is re-draped in order to correct the sagging and redraw the oval of the face in a harmonious and natural way.
In the case of an associated fatty mass, the plastic surgeon will proceed to liposuction.
Results obtained, patient feedback, complementary techniques
What results can be expected?
Results can be observed after two to three months. The skin is rejuvenated, softer and clearer.
You can therefore enjoy a rejuvenation of your neck with a minimally invasive surgical method with fewer scars. Your face will look like it did a few years ago.
It is estimated that you will look 10-15 years younger after this surgical procedure.
Scientific explanation of the symptom
Radiological and scientific studies have shown that with the aging process, the facial muscles retract and present a shorter rectilinear shape. This results in ill-defined features and the loss of the cervico-mandibular angle that defines the youthfulness and beauty of the oval. In addition, the fat essentially located under the muscles herniates and becomes visible distorting our natural facial definition. This leads to the creation of fatty clusters that sag the oval of the face and are unsightly. In addition, this aging process induces the formation of furrows and wrinkles (nasolabial folds, bitterness folds, neck folds) as well as unsightly fatty masses (jowls, double chin, withered neck, “turkey” neck).

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1004 Lausanne
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